Originally Posted by General
Originally Posted by Powpow65
Originally Posted by General
It’s a shitty law, but some of you guys are off the chain talking about killing cops because they are doing their jobs. You’re no better than the scumbag BLM trash who murdered 5 cops in Dallas or the Baton Rouge killer. There’s a way to change laws but killing cops who are enforcing existing law isn’t it.

At what point do you fight back? Who do you start with? Let them take your guns, then let them take your kids, then let them tell you who/what/when to worship, then go to work when/where they tell you to and pay you what they want to. Don't speak up against it because that is against the law now too. All because you let them disarm you. You may think I'm crazy idc. It's called a slippery slope for a reason. Reading this article sounds like a scene from North Korea or the Nazi Germany. A family member, coworker, neighbor called to turn you in and the agents of the government came into your home to get your guns (freedom). How is this ok? Because they had a warrant? Because it's just good ole cops feeding their families? What other freedoms are you willing to throw away so your government can give you security?

Do you really think this is the master plan, to wait until enough “red flags” are issued to unlawfully disarm the country?

yes eventually not by red flags but they will use examples like this to say "look we were right lets pass some more laws to protect you from yourselves" we will be disarmed slowly generation by generation because they know they cant just go all in theyll just keep testing the waters until the time is right.