Originally Posted by Todd1700
somebody hears the word autism their mind automatically jumps to the most severe regressive form of it. But there are forms of autism that are very mild and used to go undiagnosed.

Yep. There is a "spectrum" for a reason. Medically, I'm only EMT-B certified (and only a volunteer at that). That makes me a medical expert, just like working the grill at McDonalds makes you an elite chef.

But I have a few lenses I look at this through.

A. Can't find concrete or even semi-concrete links to autism outside of personal anecdotes.

B. Autism is tragic. But death by polio or smallpox is even more tragic. People who say "My child might get autism", to me, is like saying "I'd rather them risk dying to polio than have to raise an autistic kid" because the autistic kid will at least live.

Last edited by Michael256; 10/18/18 10:55 PM.