The studies do indicate Autism is genetic. However, a genetic predisposition to it could be pushed into actually having the disease by the introduction of a foreign element. Be it radiation, contaminated food stuffs, or an ingredient in the vaccines. Even just the increased level of stimulation of the immune system within the child’s body could be causing a reaction but only in a group with an as yet unknown marker. So when the parents remain skeptical in the face of the continuous drum beat of it can’t be this or it can’t be that please with all due respect understand we don’t want to hear that ###t anymore!

Go figure it out already it’s only been known for around 60 some odd years while becoming more prevalent with each passing day. The cause has to be found before a cure can be. Mine is 12 so whatever the cure it won’t come before his chance at a somewhat typical life has passed by. This is a nightmare not to be wished upon an enemy. Whatching a child with many incredible abilities faltering in the face of what we consider mundane tasks is torturous. All the while unable to show much if any affection.

Last edited by CatHeadBiscuit; 10/18/18 05:33 PM.

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