One more and I 'll stop. The trip Texashuntress mentioned. He chewed through 2 leashes and chased the geese across the lake. We had to chain him to a fire hydrant with a log chain to keep him from drowning.
He chewed me out of a Townhouse and when I bought this house with a big fenced in back yard, as soon as I let him out he met me in the front. I put him back there again, checked gates same story, finally the 3rd time I watched him scale the fence like a Track star. I electrified it but he'd still slip out some times. He was run over, just skint. He ran off one Sunday and got shot by some idiot(edited for cussing), missed all vitals and had 22 bullet buried in his shoulder. He was nut's but you couldn't have a more loyal animal. He'd die for you and protected us that way. No one came in this house without a crotch sniff. That's how he checked. Godspeed Agustus.

One day the right woman will come along and the next thing you know you'll be wearing her underwear!