Originally Posted by Goatkiller
She says she isn't ready to discuss this publicly which is clear to everyone... this is a smear job.

She and Dianne got together on this how long ago? How is she not prepared to discuss? You don't make accusations in the 11th hour and then say you are not ready to discuss them? That's pure BS. The republicans should ram this through. The problem is they can't because of the Rhino's. Those windowlickers will use this as an excuse not to confirm the guy. They'll say... I can't vote yes with a clear conscious.

The stage is set for the Rhinos to derail this whole thing. I hate to say it but the Republican Party is as much to blame for what has gone on the last probably 20 years as anyone up there.

The national Republican party is a bunch of spineless, worthless dumbphucks who have let the left-wing dictate the agenda since slick Willie was in office. If they bend over now, they obviously didn't get the message when Trump was elected.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe