No trying to hijack the post but I have a question about growing okra. My wife and our 3 year old son grew a garden for the first time this year and they both really enjoyed it especially him because he loved picking the okra and squash. The first couple batches that they picked I noticed that some of the skin on the okra was really tough almost to the point that it was hard to chew. I figured that it was due to her picking it too late so the next time she picked it a little sooner before it got so big and it still didn't make a difference. Some of it was really tender while the other was kinda tough and it wasn't really any particular size that was tough it was pretty random. Is this due to the amount of water or fertilizer that it gets or is it something else? Not sure what type of okra we have but it looks the same as the one on the far right in marshmud991 first picture.