Anyone in the world should be able to come here, get a work visa, and go to work (pay taxes). Period. We NEED people to come here for work. Our economy would literally collapse if they didn't come here. Any barriers to immigration is a tax on the American people just as any other trade barrier is.

The problem is the immigration system SUCKS. We've made it virtually impossible for anyone to get here. If we streamlined the system, and made working and paying taxes easier, there wouldn't be "illegal" immigrants. The real issue is the social safety nets: free school, free healthcare (emergency rooms), and welfare.

What makes this conversation funny is that I would estimate that 95% of the people in this thread are descended from illegal immigrants from Europe. Through divine providence, we all happen to have been born in the greatest country in the world and just because your illegal immigrant relatives got here first, you feel morally superior to those who are trying to come after. I would rather have (10) immigrants than 1 millennial. That's the honest truth.

"The misery of being exploited by capitalists is nothing... compared to the misery of not being exploited at all."

Joan Robinson