Originally Posted by dBmV
Substitute "deer" for "turkey" in that paragraph and you have almost the exact argument for buck restrictions.

Two totally different biology and breeding systems, although, I am not sure I would make the same argument today as I did then. One is a mammal one a bird. One has a long gestation and gives birth to 1-3 live young months after breeding, one lays and incubates a clutch of eggs of 8-15 on the ground for a month before hatch then attempts to raise them for another couple months. With turkeys, if one nest fails, they will often attempt to lay and incubate another clutch. Deer, one and done. With deer we had good data indicating that there were does that were not being bred in certain areas because of the skewed sex ratios and extended fawn drop, some into September/October in badly skewed populations. We don't have this data with turkeys and I don't believe hens "select" gobblers to breed with the same way does "select" bucks to breed with. This is speculation on my part. We also were starting with an season limit on bucks that was "any buck regardless of size, one a day for the whole season", virtually an open season on bucks with no limit. We are NOT starting there with gobblers. Buck restrictions - turkey restrictions, apples - golf balls.

I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine