Originally Posted by Southwood7

PCP, haven’t you been asking for several years now how many hunters kill 5 birds? If we lower the limit to 3 it would be nice to know how may gobblers we might be “saving”. And if we have a few extra gobblers around by reducing the limit or shortening the season is that really going to result in a better hatch and more poults?
I am no biologist and I won’t pretend to be one. All I want is seasons and bag limits set by people who have no agenda and ONLY care about the resource. Unfortunately it seems like this is too much to ask.

Yeah, I've been wondering about that a long time. And fortunately, we can now know exactly how many legally killed gobblers would be "saved" by reducing the limit to 3. Anyone who has access to the GC numbers could look it up for us. The thing is, ALL of the legally killed gobblers are listed right there, and if it wasn't reported then it wasn't legal. It seems very likely to me that hunters that won't participate in GC are not gonna be affected at all by a lower season limit, so in this particular case the GC numbers will be 100% accurate.

I would guess that the number is under 100. I would also guess that information will continue to be a closely guarded secret.

Thanks for bringing it up; I will ask them that question in my letter. Maybe someone on the CAB will demand the answer.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.