Garden update.....well, I have pulled all of the early tomato plants I put in this year. Have pulled all the zucchini plants, some of the confetti pepper and another couple of bell peppers and the early green beans. Have put in 11 tomato plants for some late tomatoes. Two different plantings, to stagger the yield. They all look GREAT! Carrots that I planted early are looking mighty fine even though something ate the top off one block I planted; they are coming back and the actual carrot kept growing just fine. I have more jalapeno, cayenne and bell pepper than I know what to do with. Still harvesting cucumbers but not over run with them. Have a new block of green beans coming in great and all bloomed up right now!! Hope to get another harvest of those. Those purple pole beans have been an amazing producer for me this year. I have not pulled them yet simply because they are entertwined with my cucumbers but I have quit picking them.

Have my grandson visiting for a few days so took advantage of his 16 year old strength, young legs, back and energy yesterday to get two crab apple trees I grew from twigs planted. I have been growing those in large pots for three years and they were in great shape. so I was glad to get them planted. Now, I just need to get two Hawthorn, two red bud and two dogwoods planted!! Literally received twigs [they called them trees] for making a donation to the Arbor Day Foundation three years ago and amazingly, they have all grown into great young trees in large pots. Gotta get some rain before I can plant any of the others!! That ground was hard as a brick yesterday...I wound up pouring water into the holes as he dug to soften the ground.

Also took advantageof the help to get my chicken coop cleaned out, raked, nest boxes cleaned and refilled and water cans changed. Woohoo!!!

Have one of the largest basil plantings I have ever grown!! Two plants are as big as two squarae hay bales!! Need to harvest it and the parsley, which also did well. Went to harvest my dill a couple of days ago, and something ate every stinking stalk of it over night. Had it planted in three different areas and it was all GONE!!

Don't know about you guys and gals but I am about gardened out this year. The harvest has been bountiful and I have filled up the freezers and done a lot of canning. So, it is thankful I am for the generous bounty Mother Earth and the good Lord provided. Happy gardening gang!!

Be kind to one another and tell the ones you love that you love them often. We never know what tomorrow will bring.