Originally Posted by Out back
I believe the recent GC numbers are more accurate than the previous decades of wild guessing.
Even if GC has only attained a 30% success rate, the numbers are still far below the lies we been told for many years, compliments of that elusive survey.

I'm not getting into the accuracy of the old and new numbers because I've heard good arguments from both sides. I'll leave that for others. But if the old way is/was such a wild guess, why are they still using it?? What was the old #, around 250,000 killed each year? They are taking that number then finding what percentage is the GC #. In other words, 75,000 (GC #) is about 30% of the old # (around 250,000 or so). So the old # they believe in enough to come up with a participation percentage for GC. If there is that much faith in the old way why change??

The participation number (30-35%) should have never been told to us. Should have said we are not where we want to be but we will get there. We, or i, had no idea they would continue to use the old number as a basis for accuracy. Now if the GC # continues in the 80,000 neighborhood, it will be seen as 30-35% participation by hunters.
But is it 30-35%?? Or is it 80-85%? How do we know? The powers that be are still using the old numbers