If they stay and the numbers dwindle until they are gone, the swarm likely contained a virgin queen that did not successfully mate.

This one. That probably explains most of my issues. They seem to dwindle pretty fast once they start. My problem is that I only get to check once a week or once every two weeks. The bees just spice up the biscuits, they don't pay the bills. smile

Funny you mentioned the Saskatraz queens because I was actually thinking about buying 2 and doing two flyback splits. I was already planning to feed them pretty heavy and add entrance reducers and robber screens to all four hives. I usually have a strong fall flow in my area now with a couple of cutovers close. My buckwheat is blooming right now too so I hope they are putting up some nectar right after I robbed the honey. I have some corn that is getting close to tassling too.

You told me a long time ago to always add open brood to anything new. I've remembered that one and that seems to work.

I sprayed permetherin in March and added diatomaceous clay last month. So far the beetle activity at the farm has been minimal. Trying to keep an eye on those now. Got to get busy and build an oxyalic acid evaporator. Did you ever try one?

Don't give up, don't ever give up!