There you go again. Everyone should know by now that logic and government almost never occupy the same space.

I do agree, though. I never figured out why they can't just sell the stamps in the same store that sells the items and dispense with the extra background check. Hell, suppressors have to be installed on a firearm to do anything, and you don't need the secret squirrel background check for a rifle or handgun.

Regarding the time, it's because they can. 3 years ago, my company was seeking a permit for work in LA. Our guy called the Army Corps of Engineers to check on the permit. He was told it was on "Sue's" desk, and she was on vacation for a month. She would get to it when she came back. The ACOE rep couldn't understand why we would want someone else to take over while "Sue" was out, and did not re-assign the project.

Private sector business experience should be a requirement for any prospective government employee, and their customer service rating should determine whether they remain employed, get promotion opportunities, etc. What we have today is what happens when there is no true accountability and folks can't be fired.