Originally Posted by Jakethesnake
I see what yall mean but yall also kinda sound stuck up lol. If you have something that others want....your gonna get asked. Plain and simple. Yall should be grateful that your blessed instead of complaing about it. Having things or positions that others would want is a blessing. Sounds like yall are being ungrateful and not enjoying what you have. That phrase....dont forget where you came from? Which some cant relate to that because they were born with a silver spoon. No pun intended. Be thankful for what you have...dont complain about it lol.

So, how is your hunting lease? How about you just let me hunt for free there for the season? I mean, I know you work hard making money to join a fine lease, have a nice 4-wheeler/truck, rifle, camper to stay in. I also know you work hard planting food plots, working the land, managing your herd, etc..., but I don't belong to a club and haven't shot a deer in several years. So, how about you just explain to your fellow club members that you don't want to sound stuck up, or like you have forgotten where you came from, so your going to let me come down there and hunt all season for free, using all your stuff, and shooting whatever I want? I mean, after all, I wasn't born with the hunting version of a silver spoon in my mouth.

If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.-Mark Twain