Originally Posted by Beadlescomb
I've talked to a few people in the past year or so that bitch about not being able to keep help and it usually goes something like this

Them we just cant keep no help

Me what are you looking for someone to do?

Them work in a steel mill, pump out septic tanks, construction labor etc

Me damn I bet y'all pay good

Them yeah we start out a 9.25 an hour

Usually just super physically demanding jobs

This. I hear the same things from my customers but they don’t realize that even 15 an hour for a basic laborer is low for the current market. Amazon fulfillment centers (among other big companies) are offering close to that if not more for order pullers. Why would anyone want to sweat their azz off on a job site in the summer when you can work in a semi air conditioned warehouse. Plus anyone with actual skills in the construction fields can just about name their wage right now. Just the current market trend that employers need to adapt to for now. The pendulum will swing back eventually and labor rates will slide back.