Originally Posted by Clem

The entire mentality that the "wild gamey animal taste" must be masked, hidden, flavored or whatever likely stems from olden days decades past.

Refrigeration was minimal to non-existent. Unless cooked immediately, like small game (quail, squirrel), a chef-cook-Granny-Mom took the deer haunch and prepped it the way she'd been taught: cooking all the "gamey" taste out, smothering it with something, and so forth. European chefs did the same, based on what they'd learned from what their mentors had learned, and so we had creams and coatings and even blood-based sauces to coat the meat.

It's like the "soak in ice and salt for a week to get the blood out!" mentality. No one does that with beef. And soaking in a salty ice bath isn't aging the meat, which is totally different. Whenever I hear someone say deer or wild venison is "gamey" then to me it means they don't know what the hell they're talking about. It's a wild animal. It's supposed to taste and smell different, and they do.

Kill it, clean it, throw it on the grill with some salt and maybe a shot of pepper. Maybe.
