Its funny how a lot of folks just refuse to believe anything. Me and 3 fellers was developing about 80 acres on rail road bed road in 2007. It was small timber surrounded by houses. Maybe 100 acres of woods that connected then our other 88 acres almost touching it that is now open and named Legendwood which runs of Capshaw rd in Madison. We been workin that 80 acres for a year. We done laid most utilites and cut all roads. We cleared about half of the lots. I was running a tri-axle up and down those dirt roads moving dirt to our stock pile in the back. About 10am im drivin back empty to the trackhoe. I grabbed another gear, looked up and saw something with its head down crosdin the road about 100ft in front of me. Maybe closer. I thought it was a huge german sheppard for a split second. It looked at me then looked back down and kept on trotting across and slipped into the woods. It was an anteater! It was huge. Long neck, long snout. Long tail. It was black with long hair. I told my co-workers. We all laughed. I worked there for another year almost daily and never saw it again.

We got to remembering there use to be a petting zoo at the old flea market on hwy 72. That property was real close to us. A man told me a rich guy lived across the road that had tigers and all kinds of animals years ago. Who knows where this thing came from but it was definitely an ant eater i saw. Seen many on tv! We said...that explains all the huge scat we were finding. We kept finding small trees with the lower limbs broken off hanging like something was trying to climb up them. It was weird.

Last edited by Jakethesnake; 05/27/18 07:02 PM.