What landowners don't understand is that what some others are getting for timber in NE AL, isn't going to be the same as what they might get for similar timber in central AL. I had a landowner bless me out one day when we were finishing up his tract. He told me that he'd talked to a cousin of his that sold timber off his farm in southern TN. His hardwood prices were more than double what I had paid him for his hardwood.

I could never get that guy to understand that the TN timber was going to different mills, with different delivered prices. After grumbling, he then asked me why didn't I deal with that TN mill. I told him that hauling a load of hardwood pulpwood over 200 miles wouldn't work. The extra freight it would take to get it there would more than eat up any extra money that would exist. My logger at the time only had two trucks and he would have never agreed to let half of his trucking get tied up with a one load a day haul... effectively cutting his production in half.

You gonna pull them pistols, or whistle Dixie?