I didn't start hunting turkeys til I was in my late 30's and have been blessed with killing few nice ones. To me the best way to learn is to find a great turkey hunter and take him with you. Or in my case, have one talk you into going for the first time. I had the privilege of hunting with YEKRUT the first couple of years of my turkey hunting career, and we tore them up. I watched, learned and listened. To me nothing could be better than surrounding yourself with experienced people. Me and YEKRUT don't see eye to eye on many things but when it come to turkeys we share the same the same views, most of thoughs I had to learn. Really guys it's no different than anything else in life, surround yourself with people that are better than you and you will elevate your skills. I'm blessed with a good bit of land and alot of birds, but its the people and the tricks of the trade that make the difference.

Last year I was on my on, and made plenty of bone-head mistakes. But I killed birds, not because I'm a good hunter but because of what I learned from others.

So Redman, if your first couple of years are half as good as my first, hang on big boy, it might be more than you can handle. YEKRUT is as good as there is, so shut-up and listen and I can almost guarantee you will be "shooting one in the face" soon.

Success is uncommon, therefore is not enjoyed by the common man.