Gonna plant next week-end. Finally got my tractor fixed after a small fire over two months ago. My tractor guy I had used for years died and it was next to impossible to find anyone who would come out and work on it.Anyway, I have about 8 acres in my only large field. I am going to put in about 6 acres of Eagle Beans with 7 lbs r RR Corn /Acre and hope its enough acreage to keep ahead of the deer. I do have an e-fence which I will put up if the beans cannot keep up, but it would be nice not to have to put it up. I will also plant a 40-50 foot strip around the field perimeter with a mix of Buckwheat, Sunn Hemp, climbing peas or soybeans and Teosinate, which I tried for the first time last year.Its a distant corn relative which makes a seed Quail and Turkeys like and grows tall to help screening.Later in the summer I will probably plant about an acre of Sunflowers.

I also hope to be able to plant at least some of my smaller food plots with something similar to the screening mix after the Arrowleaf Clover in them finishes up. I am going to do throw and mow which I tried on one plot last year and was successful with.