I hope to be doing something similar next week-end.What kinda planter is that?I have been doing my bean/corn fields by just spreading discing and dragging, which have turned out fine, but I really want a no till planter. Woulda had one this year but had a little tractor fire which required some unexpected repair expenses.I plant my beans/corn seperately so I can spray round-up on them.Do you plant all of that together and just let the weeds do their thing.? I do plant my field perimeter with a mix with buckwheat, sunn hemp and either Red Ripper Peas or a vining soybean, both which really climb the Sunn Hemp.Also, last year added Teosinate to the mix. It is a relative of corn, grows tall and makes a seed Turkey and Quail really like.

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My screen with the Sunn Hemp mix is in the foreground. It got 8-10-foot tall and had beans climbing all over it.

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