I reported the one buck I killed this past season. App did not work, probably due to spotty cell service, but for whatever reason, it would not take the data, so I filled out the paper harvest record before I moved the buck and kept it with me. Killed the buck Friday afternoon and hunted til Tuesday of the following week. I actually logged the buck using my home computer, when I got back home, which was well over 48 hrs after harvest as required by law. It's bad news when you break the law while trying to obey it to the letter.

Also, while I only killed one buck and didnt hunt much this past year, I probably saw 20-25 rack bucks and probably at least 70-75 does and yearlings during the 10 or so days I was able to hunt. If you look at my limited harvest, which was 100% due to my intentionally being very selective, you'd think that I did not have a successful season, and that we might have a population issue in the area I hunt, which is certainly not the case. Point being, what is the GC info, off the one buck I killed, out of the 20+ that I saw, telling Chuck and his boys about the population, sex ratio, overall herd health and fawn recruitment????? All of these are key metrics in managing a whitetail deer herd, none of which is being reported, recorded, or even requested. What does my one dead deer tell Chuck? All it tells him is that there is one less trophy buck running around in North Wilcox.

Last edited by abolt300; 04/30/18 11:40 AM.