Originally Posted by catdoctor
Originally Posted by Bull64
You're not alone

I can't compete against my rich neighbors.

I've heard this argument way too many times. In one comment we have bubbas doing all the baiting and in one it's bubbas can't afford it but the rich can. Listen, I'm not trying to single you out. I'm just tired of the "my rich neighbors are baiting" argument and I'm also tired of the "everbody is baiting" baiting argument (heard from others). It's statistically impossible for everybody to be baiting. I'm not and I know many deer hunters all over the state who aren't and wouldn't if it were legal.

That said, like Jawbone, in principal I'm against it. I think it's lazy and as Outback said a symptom of millennials lust for instant gratification. I don't think killing deer needs to be any easier than it already is.

I also don't understand the contradiction. People argue baiting is fair chase and should be legal because it isn't the magic pill it's cracked up to be and don't send deer flocking to the bait pile. Out of the other side of their mouth they're saying their neighbors are pulling every deer off their property? Which is it?

We can blame the senators or whoever else for this not passing, but to be honest, I think a major factor is that the argument on the pro-baiting side is at best, incredibly flimsy.

Cat again, not trying to single you out. Most of that doesn't apply to you.

I hope we have once again reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There�s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts. � Ronald Reagan