Originally Posted by abolt300
Originally Posted by Out back
Bill Klinton's surgeon General (I can't remember that idiots name) once used "statistics" to proclaim that 30% of Americans had aids.

I had an exceptional statistics teacher in college. Not only did he know his stuff but made every student in his class read a book called "How to Lie with Statistics". He made the point that through sample size and other data manipulation techniques, you can take the same set of data and basically make it show whatever you want it to within reason. It's exactly what the global warming crowd is doing. Could it be done with deer population and harvest data if someone wanted to? Absolutely.

For a conspiracy to in place there has to be an end goal. What id the end goal. What does the department gain by messing with the numbers as some have suggested? Does people think that the DNCR wants 10 extra days so they can personally hunt more in north Alabama? I just don’t understand the mindset. If a backdoor deal was cut as suggested to get Gamecheck passed, why? How did it make life better for the DCNR or worse.