Originally Posted by CNC
Originally Posted by Avengedsevenfold
What they are saying is that waiting in a pop up blind over decoys in a greenfield isn't what turkey hunting is about. It takes the skill out of it and if turns it into a waiting game.

You ain't got to sit still. You ain't got to choose the right tree to set up on. You ain't got to be able to call good. You just put the decoys out in the open where they are visible and play on your phone until it's time to shoot a turkey

It just seems like that’s taking it a little too far to be judging other hunters for such as that.....especially when we hunt many other animals in the same way.... ducks, deer, dove, etc....I mean, how much skill does it really take to walk in on one in the dark and shoot him as soon as he hits the ground??? At least sitting in a blind takes patience. What if you want to go hunt in the afternoon and nothing is gobbling?? Can someone not prop up on the side of field and just hang out to see what happens?

I don't think anyone was judging. Like myself, just saying it's not for them. If you've gotten the turkey disease, you don't even ponder the idea of sitting in a blind and waiting for one.