Originally Posted by blumsden
I've had several guys say they've planted feed corn and had good production on the ear's. Seems like they were some guys on the old QDMA site that did this. I sprayed some with gly that had sprouted from a feeder, and it killed the hell out of it.

Seems like if you sprayed right before the planting (like the day before) the roundup would be dry and not affect the nonsprouted seed. Then the corn would get a jump on the other weeds and might shade out some of them. For $10 it would probably be worth the attempt, versus $250 for a bag of corn... unless it is less than that now. That was what it was the last time I planted it.

And then spot spray a little of it after it comes up, if it dies then let it go and hope the weeds are at a minimum. If the roundup does not kill it then spray the whole field.

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