All about the imprint!!! Corn, corn and more corn! If you have a private hole that has a few ducks on it corn the heck out of it right after the season. Spread it in all the shallow spots you can find. If you can have a flock stay in there for a month or so after season they will imprint on the area and most likely return the following year looking to follow the yellow brick road again, that is if they don't just stay around year round! Get you a couple nest boxes up right after the season too and that will also leave an imprint on them! It will definitely take about 20 years, but plant you some oak trees close to the edge of your pond. The overhanging limbs will drop acorns right in the pond. My brother in law has a good little swamp/pond that gets a good bit of woodies and the oak trees planted there are about 10 years to young to produce acorns, but hey it will be worth it once they are dropping food directly into the water! Also, if you can get the woodies dumping in there regularly the big ducks in the area will eventually follow to see where they are feeding. Its a long slow drawn out process to get it just right but you have to start somewhere!