I almost had #2 yesterday morning. Buddy went with me to film and went after a bird that I've been narrowing down his routine. Well figured out that it's 2 different birds so my plan didn't exactly work out like I wanted. The closest bird had hens and we got them alittle aggravated but they didn't come looking for us to fight. After we give them alittle time we decided to move and try to swing around on them and if we ended up bumping them we might also be in a position to work the other bird. We had to top a knoll and we let out a call and a bird hammered about 100-150 yds out. Buddy called again and he cut my buddy off so we find a place to get setup. This knoll has a pretty steep drop off to it and has a small creek at the bottom so we are figuring we'll have to shoot him at the bottom of it. Well we get set and let out a few cuts and the bird answer and has gotten alot closer. Alittle bit later and I start hearing him drum. Shortly after we see him and he making his way perfectly. He gets to the bottom, crossed creek and start a angling to left. Not the direction he needed to go. We end up losing sight of him. He continued to gobble and told my buddy to be watching to his hard left cause he could pop up over the hill. Well he does at about 15 feet, he puts and goes back out of sight. Buddy cuts at him and i start scratching leaves and he gobbles. I continue scratching leaves and he gobbles a few times. Then we see him pop up in front of us. He working to our right and I just needed him to make one more step to have a shot. Well he turns around and putts again so I told my buddy to shoot him if he had a chance before he leaves. So buddy lays the hammer down on him. Was only a 2 yr old but it was a fun a hunt. And that bird went down a hill, across a creek and up and steep hill to come to us!

We also got a game plan on the other bird so hoping to go back after him on Wednesday.