I pretty much have to have a cell phone, but that is about as far as I'm going. Call me a grumpy old man, but I'm about tired of technology in the form of computer gadgets. I know without them we wouldn't be where we are as a civilization, but still there's just nothing romantic about computers.

I have a Kindle but I can't tell you the last time I have read a book on it. I prefer books better. I have a laptop and a Samsung tablet, but I prefer to take daily notes, meeting notes, things to do, etc... in my leather bound journal using a mechanical pencil. Many times I am called out to troubleshoot problems at power plants and a good bit of the time I will actually still make a hand sketch on engineering graph paper to show the field guys how to fix the problem.

I like manual transmission cars with as few bells and whistles on them as possible. you can keep the back-up camera, the lane departure warning, the automatic braking, the heads up display, etc...

I still wear a watch. Always have. But I refer all mechanical watches with automatic movements. To me there's just something nice about having a little analog machine on your wrist that keeps time with all the complexity of gears, jewels and bearings. Mechanical clocks are just plain cool as hell.

I could easily have a Rolex or an Omega if I wanted, but those seem like poor investments of my money and I can't justify spending used car money on a watch. So all my watches in my collection are sub $500 automatics.