Originally Posted by Clem
Originally Posted by jawbone
Go to a Thai restaurant and tell them you want your food Thai hot. There's hot and then there is Thai hot.

And then be ready to find a bathroom.

In the traditional presentation, sushi and sashimi is not eaten with soy and 'wasabi' and especially not mixed for dipping. That is an American bastardization that started with the sushi craze 25 years ago because of the "Ewww, raw fish?" responses. Japanese sushi is considered an art. Sushi masters and those who create it think those of us who use soy and 'wasabi' are uncouth morons. The art of cutting the fish, preparing the rice and presenting the finished product is steeped in centuries of tradition.

This is a great book about sushi and its history: The Story of Sushi: An Unlikely Saga of Raw Fish and Rice, by Trevor Corson

That said, I like the soy and wasabi now and then. I don't eat sushi often because I'd spend too much money on it. My son and I went here in Huntspatch one night and I think the bill for us was $60-plus.

If you haven't seen the Netflix documentary on the famous sushi place in Japan, check it out. I think it's $400-500/person to eat there. Only like 6-8 spots a night. He hand-serves you every "course". Very unassuming looking place.