Childrens can be the best and most frustrating place. We have 2.5 year old triplets and they have combined spent more than 1.5 years in childrens. I have seen the good bad and the ugly of that place.

Their #1 weakness is communication between the massive amounts of drs and staff that rotate constantly. Communication between different departments break down frequently as well. If you ever feel like they are not listening or are not communicating or following the plan properly, ask for your social worker and request through the social worker that a conference be set up between each department to make sure everyone is hearing your concerns and on the same page. These are very common and there are conference rooms in the hallways of each floor for these very reasons. We have had several of these and even had to call CHAT team before. As long as you are respectful and direct these things can help.

As far as a "temporary" trach goes, i would ask a lot of details about that. While trachs/ stable airways are great, once they get a trach they are not quick to remove one. One of our children got a trach that was supposed to be for a very short time and she has now had one for over a year. They can be very limiting on who can watch your kids, where you can go etc.. They are not nearly as scary as they seem up front but i would question them with great detail on what they consider temporary and what could cause it to not become temporary. I would really question ENT hard on that.

I love 90% of the drs we have dealt with and the surgeons are top notch. We have been on every floor except the cancer floor and communication is always the weakness of childrens. If you have any questions of frustrations feel free to pm me. It is easy to lose your mind in that place. You have to take turns getting some time away and try to unwind.