I had an average of 23 inches in my yard near Boaz. That was plenty to keep the roads empty for several days around there (Sardis/Whitesboro area). I just happened to have an old home painted ugly looking camoflaged Dodge truck with a significant lift and some new Q or R buckshots on it, not sure which. For three days I only encountered one other vehicle on the road. WQSB (Local radio station) was running public service announcements so I would listen for anyone around my area needing kerosene, blankets, a lift, firewood, food, or whatever else and other people would have kerosene, blankets, firewood, food, or whatever else and after I checked on my folks and neighbors I spent several days hauling people and supplies around the area. After about 3 or 4 days It became as much of a unsticking other vehicles operation as it was a hauling people/stuff operation.