My partner and I have a rare opportunity to lease a decent size property in this state that in time, will become one of those special places to hunt. This property has the genetic potential to produce Midwest quality deer consistently under the right management program. We will be a small part of a larger trophy management cooperative that will be managing a very large tract of land under similar goals. The property is raw so there is a lot of work to be done develop this place into what it will become. The good news, is we have two years of no hunting to start building off of. This should result in some older age class deer right out the gate for us. I have seen what the neighboring club has produced so there is little doubt our place can be just as good if not better.

I am gauging interest as to who would be interested in being part of a low pressure (250 acres per member) club Located in Clarke County Alabama that will have a strong focus on managing for 4.5-year-old deer or older. The property will be approximately 3800 to 4000 continuous acres. The property consists mostly of managed pines with hardwood smz’s and a few clear cuts. The property is on a 3 year burn rotation, so a percentage of the property will be prescribe burned every year.

Our goal is to have 12 members but no more than 15 max. If the financial side of things work out, I’ll stay with 12 but will reserve the opportunity to add a few more members if they are the right fit.

My partner and I are currently working on securing a camp that will be in place by mid to late summer. The camp fee will be included in the cost of membership.

We are looking for members that are low pressure and hunt by age that are willing to hunt smart and keep pressure to a bare minimum until the rut. My partner and I have used this strategy over the last several years and it’s proven to be very effective with remarkable results. If you can buy into this strategy you should be impressed with the results. We will not dictate when anyone can hunt as there will be opportunities to hunt around key weather patterns and certain periods of the season. What we are asking, is the members of this club give some thought into when they hunt the property to main low pressure and promote better day time movement from the mature deer. It is a proven fact the odds are extremely low of killing a mature deer if the place has been hunted to death and the deer highly educated before the rut kicks in. If you can get on board with the low pressure strategy and plan your hunts when the odds are more in your favor we would like to talk with you in further detail!

We are also looking for a member that is more focused on deer hunting rather than the turkey’s. We already have several serious turkey hunters on board and that alone will steer most serious turkey hunters away quickly. I get it and fully understand, I’m a serious turkey hunter. With that said, the focus is on someone looking for the right opportunity to hunt mature deer and be part of a low pressure group of hunters.

This club will not be what I would consider a lax family friendly club. We will allow family, but there are rules in place to prevent it from becoming a free for all. We will also offer a few guest opportunities but once again not a free for all. We do understand the importance of spending time with your family and the opportunity to invite the occasional guest. Our goal is to have fun, become a tight nit group that is willing to share information and help each other be successful on harvesting mature deer.

We will have board that will vote on issues or rule changes etc. rather than one person deciding what is best for everyone else to do. We will also have an open check book policy so everyone can see how the funds are being spent.

The cost for this opportunity will be $3500 @ 12 members. It could be a little less or a little more depending on the final numbers for the camp or if we decide to add a few additional members.

Please no tire kickers!! My partner and I do not have a lot free time to waste answering all your questions. All the information above should give you the basic information needed to make an informed decision if you would like to be part of this opportunity or not. Please discuss this with your boss lady in advance for permission if that’s required in your house hold. I understand some folks need to have that conversation just do it before wasting our time.

In closing we will be glad to provide more detailed information if you are seriously interested at this point. Please PM with your contact information, phone and email address. My partner and I will send more detailed information after one of us speaks with you.

Last edited by Squeaky; 03/01/18 05:43 PM.

"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life.
Comes to us at midnight very clean.
It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands.
It hopes we've learned something from yesterday."