Originally Posted by perchjerker
I love Gulp 4" shrimp best. Here white or glow are my best colors. I fish them the same way as Tc, but I swim them at a medium speed jiggling the rod the whole time. I catch plenty of flounder and some pretty nice reds. The molting color(white and green mix) works good too.

I picked up this method from John Skinner (youtube not his books) and used it quite extensively the summer after I graduated around dauphin island. I used it from the beach as well as from a kayak with limited to no success. I'm curious what areas you fished with this method?

Caveat: I was specifically targeting flounder. I only caught 3 flounder with this method. I was more successful catching specs/reds.

Last edited by gcr0003; 02/28/18 10:18 PM.