Originally Posted by CNC
You’re gonna need some decent acreage to keep it from being eaten up…maybe some milorgranite to let it get growing a little….but I’d do a mix. You need grass, broadleaf, legume.

For grass I’d use millet and milo
For broadleaf I’d use sunflowers and buckwheat
For legumes I’d go with iron/clay peas……Also for a legume component you can mix in a little white clover with your fall mix and just let it come in where it wants to.

Pennigton sells a mix really similar to this or you can build a little mixing barrel and make your own from 50 lbs bags. Probably want to go easy on the grass component or it'll likely dominate the other plants if you get it too thick with something like millet.


Above you mention sunflowers and buckwheat. Will sunflowers sprout from T&M? I was thinking about doing a couple places with ICP and sunflowers but that would require disking. I would love to be able to do it this way...

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