Originally Posted by 3FFarms
Someone once told me the hardest thing to do in sports is take a round ball and a round bat, and hit it squarely.

I absolutely agree. I'd imagine the difficulty of doing that on a high level is why so many people don't like baseball.

If you know baseball...really know it, watching the chess match every at bat...even every pitch...makes it watchable. If you don't understand it, it can be like watching paint dry.

As I've aged, I've become less and less interested in taking 3 hours out of my already loaded schedule to watch a game. I enjoy coaching and teaching it, but rarely will I sit down and take in a full 9 innings.
This. Only games I "watch" now, my sons are playing in. But you are correct...it's the chess match every pitch.

The harder I practice, the luckier I get.