Ask yourself what could you do to serve the Lord? Maybe keep the negative issues between you and the Lord. The last thing you want to do is stop someone from serving due to your own issues with the way things are ran in the church. The preacher can affect the moral of a church more than the people. Good ones usually pray to go where God needs them the most and that is one of the responsibilities of deacons is to come in to help find another one and help the transition. You are not there to serve the people, but to direct and guide people to be saved. Enourage others to serve in the church and just explain there is no limits to what you would do to serve the Lord. The problem is you will never get your appreciation here on earth, but when you stand to be judged by God. Two people could worship together and go in the community and lead more to be saved than 10,000 members. Some congregations think they have no sins and are in the church to socialize. Maybe invite others and maybe go out on Sundays during services and witness to those not in church. Encourage and motivate, but do not become the one to judge yourself. That is were we all can use some help. Not saying not to worship with your brethren just don't forget your work is not done just cause you are in church, it has only begun until your last breath. God Bless!