T neck is right but if you decrease the amount of hemp in your mix you can plant just about anything with it but you maybe defeating the purpose. The problem with mixing broadleaf and grass seed is spraying a pre or and chemicals. I would plant brown top by itself but be careful if you plant it you'll have it even when you don't want it. Also hemp does better with climbing legumes or a tall broadleaf like sunflower. The best thing are vining beans or peas such as quail haven soybeans or top gun soybeans and cow peas is at the top of the list. I tested some top gun beans last year on about an acre in my back yard and did the same with Laredo soybeans mixed with sun hemp. The laredo's did ok but matured to fast and got browsed to death but they did make beans and got about 30" tall. The top gun looked like kudzu they ran across the ground first then climbed the hemp they continued to grow back until first frost. They didn't get very tall they just throw vines and I don't think I made near the tonnage that I was hoping. The IC cow peas over performed my expectations in the mix in areas that nothing can deal with the browse pressure. I did mix beans in with them on some of the larger fields probably 10-15 pounds or so and they did well also. Moisture played a big role in last year's success and I can't expect that to continue but I had some unbelievable results with my hemp mixes.