I have had alot of people ask about this. Once I find out about openings from our club president, I will reach out to people in the order that they have contacted me.

Dues the first year are around 625-650. There is a small discount after that. These are subject to change based on lease prices. I believe it is around 22-2300 acres. Some of it was recently clearcut. A mix of hardwoods and pines. About 25 greenfields with a mix of shooting houses, ladder stands, and lock-ons. We have I think around 25 members, but the most I have had out there hunting with me at once was 8 or 9 on opening weekend. This past Saturday, there were a total of 14 locations signed out between morning and afternoon hunts. It does include turkey membership. 6 point or better, unless it is the first deer for a child under 16. 3 bucks and I believe 5 does per membership. No does after 12/31, unless you have not killed any deer. There is a place for campers, and there might be a couple of places open. I know that one of the campers is for sale. I have 6 kids, 5 of which hunt with me, and they have all been down there. No drinking allowed, and the majority do watch their language. I have had a talk with one of them due to his language and my kids standing there. I have seen deer on most of my sits (does and small bucks), but let them walk due to letting my kids get first shot on them. I do have 2 nice ones on camera, for me anyways. It is not a club where you will see 6,8,10 deer per sit, so I don't want to portray it as that. There have been a few hunts where I did not see anything.
Let me know if you have any more questions.
