I get asked regularly to take people hog hunting and most of the time If it's someone I know or a person I feel like is a decent person I take them. 95% of the time I take them with dogs and sometimes the person asking says " I just want to go shoot one. " in those cases most of the time I turn them down. My reasoning is.......#1. The only reason I hog hunt is to train dogs and watch them work. I couldn't care less about waiting on a hog to come out to shoot it......#2 I like to do the method that is most effective for the amount of time I have to devote to it. I work an average of 60 hours a week and have a wife and two kids at home. When I go I like to go and Catch 4 or 5 and sometimes more by lunch and go spend the rest of the day with family....... and #3 To increase the chances of seeing a hog to shoot keeping a place baited isn't cheap. If someone wants to pay me for the bait, gas, and time then by all means I will take them. Lol but 90% of the people asking want to go for free even though I have roughly $4800 in leases, the cost of bait, and feeding dogs about $1300 a year that I could be hunting that day. I love taking new people and especially kids hunting but at the same time it gets aggravating when people you don't even know get upset when you turn them down on a hunt that they expected you to go out of your way for them to hunt your lease for FREE!!!