Excellent post by the OP. For the last 15 years all we have been told is that the "expert" wildlife biologists at Auburn would make the rules and we needed to trust them since they are experts and we are not.

Well now we have decimated herds in half the state that can't handle the doe killing and haven't heard any response from the biologists who told us to kill does so the bucks would magically grow bigger.

The current feeding rule is more illogical than ever. They tell us feeding will lead to disease, but yet allow feeding as long as you don't hunt 100 yards next to it.

Game check has just become an aggravation to keep honest hunters honest. The admitted abysmal participation rate is embarrassing. That alone tells you how little respect the hunters of this state have for the people so called "leading" the agency.

As OP said, they totally failed to sell to the public whatever vision they have for the deer herd, so people have no incentive to buy in other than not getting a ticket.