Originally Posted By: Fishduck
Ducks will typically land into the wind. So set up decoys on the upwind side. That will give you a crossing shot and ducks will not be looking directly at you. On calm days 3 decoys on a jerk cord will bring in ducks.

Alabama duck hunting can be slow on public areas except for the competition which will be fierce. If you have access to private ponds, creeks or sloughs then check them out. Shooting can be fast and furious.

Some of my most memorable hunts involved Alabama public land hunting. The aggravation of dealing with sky busting, constant hail calls, shooting swing ducks and general disrespect causes me to spend WAY too much money to hunt private land in Arkansas.

I've read posts like this before and don't quite understand the part about shooting swing ducks. If 2 different groups of hunters are set up on the same slough and a flock looks like it's going to one setup, but happens to fly by in gun range of the second group, do you expect the second group to not shoot?

That's great if duck hunters show that kind of respect to each other, but I don't see that sort of courtesy in any other hunting. Or maybe I don't understand what you mean by swing ducks?

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.