Thanks Dr. B! But I’ve only been able to go hunting Tuesday evening and then yesterday evening due to work.

Well Tuesday I left work around 2pm and got in the tree around 3. Watched a little 3 pt most of the evening till he left the field. I figured that was all I was going to see to since the sun was fading away. I hear something coming up the hill to my right and I see a little one coming in with momma in behind her. They feed across in front of me when I catch a glimpse of another doe standing to my left. I get the bow up and she was at 40yds and I shot and I dropped her but she got up and started dragging herself but finally got up an took off. I knew I hit her a little far back so I went and found my arrow and had good blood and a solid blood trail. I went to tracking after about 40mins of tracking I found her. I was right about hitting her a little far back but she was quartering away just enough to make a poor shot a good one.

Yesterday evening I was in a rush trying to get in stand didn’t get to leave work till 3pm. I was debating to just not go since it would put me around 4 getting in the stand. I decided I would give it shot. I climbed up in the same stand no sooner than I set down. Had young doe coming out straight in front of me across the field. She feed around. She kept looking back so I figured It was another doe. Well I was wrong it was a decent 8pt he came out, then a smaller 8pt stepped and then while I was watching them. The 7pt I shot walked out and they was feeding towards me I was looking at them and the 7pt was the bigger deer of the 3 bucks. So I was set on shooting him. If I could get a shot. Well he feed within 25yds of me and I drawed back put on it and about the time I hit the release he turned and the arrow hit him in the ribs a little high. And he took and I could see my arrow still stuck him. I was down on my self after that because he made it out of the field. I’ve had bad luck with bucks hunting with the bow. So I get down look at where I shot him no blood so I walked maybe 30yds from the shot and found blood. So I called my dad and told him what happened and where the shot was. He told me to back out and that he would come help me track. My cousin and Dad met me and we started tracking. Wasn’t much blood to start but it starting picking up at times. We tracked and we got to the last blood on the ground. And started scanning around and found piled up in some trees that had fallen down. His not no giant 7pt but the biggest I’ve killed with a bow. Sorry for the long post guys.

Team Rack Addicts
2016 AlDEER Deer Champions