This is a little late but I figured I’d post up the story to help get you guys pumped for the AL season opening...

Got a last second invite (honestly there wasn’t an option not to go since this was a work related trip) to join one of my contractors and my boss in Mississippi for their bow opener. I hadn’t shot my crossbow in well over a year but I knew I’d get an opportunity to make sure it was on beforehand. I knew that this was an important customer relationship building trip so actually shooting something was secondary.

We rolled down Friday and made it to the hunting lodge a little after lunch time. We shot our bows and mine was dead on out to 40 yards but I let the owner/guide know I wasn’t taking a shot any further than 25 yards as I didn’t feel confident that the deer wouldn’t jump the string. Friday night we kicked around the camp and drank a few cold ones before gorging on some seriously good grub and calling it a night.

Saturday we got with the guide around 5:30’and discussed stands. I wanted to be close so I was put on a stand in some thick woods. The weather was a bit on the warm side for me but I still managed to see 3 does that morning. None of the others saw anything. Saturday afternoon had me in a stand looking over a small plot and much larger field. I didn’t really think I was going to have a shot in my range but figured I’d at least see some deer. Ended up having a button head, wide 6, and tall 8pt, all come within range. The tall 8 gave me a chip shot at 15 yards but... he was only 2.5. I couldn’t justify killing a buck that could be a stud in 2 years though I’ve only killed one deer with archery tackle.

Fast forward to Sunday morning (and what I had determined to be the day which I’d shoot a doe if presented the opportunity) and I was put in a spot of thick woods with no chance of a shot over 20yards. The lock-on I was in was only about 12’ off the ground so I knew I had to be on high alert all morning as I was probably going to get busted if I had to move. About 8:15 I caught movement to my left. Immediately I positioned my crossbow to aim at the main trail I was watching. The wind was perfect and I knew that this should be an easy shot if the deer followed the script. They had other plans. I watched as 3 does came in cautiously. All of them looking dead at me as they got into sight. None spooked though and I thought I had them fooled. As I’m already starting to pick my shooting lane I see another big body bring up the rear. It was a very mature doe (obviously the ring leader). The smaller does we’re getting close but the big one stopped and was staring me down. I was darting my eyes back and forth between the young does and the matriarch. The young does were closing in and as they got into range they veered off the main trail and started to ease behind me... right into the wind.

The lead doe was almost at the base of my tree when (I’m totally out of position to shoot at this point) the granny doe began stomping her hoof. She didn’t blow but the first stamp of her hoof sent the other 3 retreating a few steps. The middle two went behind some limbs, the old doe was at 40+ yards and kept stomping, and the lead doe had quartered away in a shooting lane at 15 yards. It was then or never. I swung my crossbow to the shooting lane and found the lead doe in my scope. Put the crosshairs behind her shoulder and let fly. SHWHACK! The bolt hit her hard and she mule kicked. The other deer scrambled around but the one I targeted headed straight away from the stand at a dead sprint. A few seoconds later came the crash.

I waited an hour though I knew she was hit good and crashed. As I waited and thanked the man above for the opportunity I noticed there was blood on the trees where I shot. The rage broadhead did not disappoint. The blood trail was crazy and the bushes/trees had more blood on them than the ground. We tracked the doe roughly 150 yards through the woods and there she lay. Dead as a hammer. Double lunged her and got a complete pass through even with the arrow hitting the opposite shoulder blade. The guide commented on how he was surprised she made it that far. They are some tough critters indeed.

This was a first for me as I’ve never been to a real outfitter to hunt and I must say it was an awesome time. Food was top notch, the lodging was good, the hunting was awesome, and I left with my second bow kill. I was truly blessed to get to go on this trip and it helped me build a solid relationship with one of my customers and my boss.

The time is almost here for you Bama boys. Hope this puts a little extra motivation/anticipation in y’all for opening day!