Originally Posted By: bill

Originally Posted By: R_H_Clark
Originally Posted By: bill
I think he forgot to read the part of the Bible that said no man knows the day nor the hour of the second coming. Not even the angels. He's special, I'm sure.

Don't think this guy has a clue but don't base it on that scripture.

That scripture only says no man knows. It says no man knows, it does not say that no man will ever know. God has always revealed what he was doing to his prophets, and I figure he will again when the end is about to be.

I think I'll just take it for what it says and not do too many mental gymnastics trying to figure out if it means something different. I wouldn't know which modern day "prophet" to believe , anyway.

I don't think that you have to do any gymnastics to think that a person who is one Spirit with the Lord might have some notion of what the Lord is doing, just saying. You should not be in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief.

As to the rest,I rarely take any notice to those claiming the end date.I expect the Lord can tell me just as easy as anyone.