Originally Posted By: perchjerker
Recurve screw-ins are easy if you use a battery drill to put pilot holes in first. They also make a drill attachment that will spin them in. Now I only use one above my ladder to grab getting on and off my stand. I realized that if you slip on a wet one you can get stabbed falling on one. Just too dangerous. It's insane to hang Loc-ons without a lineman's belt.
One thing I'll do to stop the up and down when putting stands up is carry a 50' rope. I'm putting the ladder up. I tie one end to my belt. Then every 6 -10" I tied the next thing I'll need to the rope. the last thing is the loc-on. I just pull them up when I need them. One trip up. My racket straps are in a small pack on my back.

That's a good idea, boss; thx for sharing! Anymore, now that I'm divorce, I'm not climbing many trees ... have switched 2 years ago to completely ground hunting, either in a man-made or store-bought blind ...

ALDeer physics: for every opinion, there's an equal & opposite opinion

A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.