Also, bear in mind this was taken off a cell phone audio recorder.

In reality the call has a more hollow, resonant type sound compared to your run of the mill round slate call. Hard to tell without you actually running it and hearing it in person.

I don't claim to be a genius call maker. I just wanted to make something that didn't sound like 90% of the calls already on the shelves...not saying they sound bad but I think a majority are just reinventing the wheel.

If anything I wanted to show the high to low rasp that you get from a mature hen when she's yelping as well as the sounds that a jake might also make. And I hate glass but that's just my opinion; the turk's may feel differently.

I intended for it not be be a silky smooth sound, as I hear few turkeys that sound that way.

I'll try and post something that is more indicative of how it really sounds.

I've made probably a half dozen that sound almost the same. I also make the strikers with a hollowed out top.

Something to do when I've got some time to spare!