Originally Posted By: abolt300
I agree with Sessions recusing himself in the Russia investigation but other than that, he's been a real disappointment. I also agree on some points with Trump on Sessions not being anywhere close to the man I thought he was. I really thought he would come in and clean house and clean up the justice department and right a bunch of wrongs that had been done. My opinion now is that he's just another lifelong politician.

Prime examples being:
1.) why has he not immediately initiated an formal criminal investigation into James Comey and his leaks to the press of supposedly classified info and numerous violations of FBI dept policy?
2.)Why has he not jumped headfirst into the Clinton Foundation "pay for play" now that all this additional info has come out about Hillary and Huma arranging preferential treatment and deals for foundation donors?
3.) Why has he not forced Mueller into recusing himself as well? Mueller heading the investigation is in direct violation with written FBI policy. His obvious, long friendship with Comey explicitly requires his recusal and his selecting all Hillary democratic donors to assist on his team with "zero" republican participation/members says a lot about the objectivity of the investigation.

The reason is, Sessions appears to be just as corrupted by power and just as bought into the Washington trash as the rest of them and won'd do his job because he's buddies with the people he should be prosecuting or he's scared himself. Either one of which is wrong and he's not doing the job we as taxpayers are paying him to do. I'm sick of seeing people get away with openly breaking the law and doing things that myself or anyone else reading this would be put under the jail, locked up, and forgotten about for even doing 1/100th of what they are getting away with on a daily basis. They arent even really trying to hide it anymore because they feel they are so privileged that the laws apply only to the "common people" and not them!

As far as #1 and #2 go, if Sessions is doing it the right way, which I have no doubt he would, you wouldn't be hearing about it in the news. Investigations are not supposed to be done through the media, even though that principle isn't often followed in politics.

I have more faith in Sessions doing the right thing than I have in Trump doing right. Trump needs to forget about Russia. Every time he addresses it he is playing into the Democrats hands and the job of fixing our country isn't being handled.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.