Originally Posted By: 2Dogs
Originally Posted By: Antlerfluke

Can you fool a deer's nose? HELL NO!!! Not if the deer scents you. Can you lesson your chance of getting scented by a deer by being "an oz of crap rather than a TON of crap", yes you can.

Opinions are opinions. Science or PPM of scent molecules is science and facts IS facts.

IF YOU REDUCE YOUR SCENT MOLECULES, from a standpoint of physics, you reduce an animal's ability to detect you.

So my point... when you're in the woods, be an oz of crap and not a ton of crap. You cannot argue with the science of scent molecules in a PPM scale and the science of scent dilution.

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I'll add I've never bought into the whole dogs have way less receptors than deer, therefor deer are superior "smellers" . When someone can prove to me all receptors are created equal I might. I know what a cold nosed hound can do and I've observed deer for 40+ years. If deer can smell better/longer than a hound , where there is any hunting pressure at all , they'd never move in daylight.

So you say you don't believe wildlife biologist's? I do, and because i do, thats why i don't buy into fooling a deer's nose. I used to dog hunt years ago and rabbit hunted as well. I've been around those same cold nosed hounds you speak of. And yes a deer has a better nose than those cold nosed hounds. Mature deer, don't move much during the day, in most places, except during the rut. Guess what? A polar bear can smell blood from like 20 miles away, so maybe they have better smell than a deer, don't know.