Originally Posted By: timbercruiser
I have 5 trees that need to come down, but I doubt I will find any volunteers to help out. They are 4 sweetgum and one spruce pine.

I sure know what you mean. I'm very generous with the firewood if some one helps. I'm to the point now where I'll cut, split, and then help load anyone who even makes a gesture. But after I stack and cover it then its mine till I burn it. Had several ask if I sell firewood. Answer is always no but there are two/three I know who does. Reply is he wants too much for it. Like I'd want less? By the time I risk my life cutting these big trees down, use my saws, split them up by hand, load them, unload and stack, then load in truck, deliver, then unload and stack again - then they say it costs too much. confused